Richland College Sabine Hall Science Building
Dallas County Community College District

Shah Smith & Associates, Inc. provided the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design for the 141,167 sq. ft. Science Building at the Richland College Campus. Richland College is among the first community colleges in the U.S. to participate in the campaign for sustainability.
The facility is home to the Richland College Bookstore as well as the Health and Science Placement Center programs. It also includes labs, classrooms, offices, and student study areas to support these programs. In addition, this project includes the construction of a coffee shop, bookstore, and upgrades and improvements to Richland’s mechanical infrastructure.
The new science facility hosts Richland’s health and science programs. Features include special construction for harvesting sunlight, as well as interactive devices in restrooms that users control. Some building materials were recycled, such as the carpet, and local vendors were utilized as often as possible to minimize exhaust fumes from lengthy transports. The décor is also eco-friendly and includes a geology pit for a hands-on “field learning” for the students.
The building has numerous cutting-edge conservation features, including a white reflective roof that reflects the sun’s hot rays in the summer, external light shelves, and light monitors that automatically control the amount of daylight that enters the building, a green terrace, a 57,000-gallon underground cistern that is used to irrigate landscaping, and three wind turbines.
This project was awarded LEED Platinum Certification and also won the 2010 Dallas Business Journal’s, “Best Real Estate Deals,” award.
Site Owner
Dallas County Community College District
Project Cost
Project Completion
Health Sciences
Higher Education
Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Plumbing Engineering