Research Facility
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

Shah Smith & Associates, Inc. provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineering services for the shell build out of various floors at the existing Life Science Facility. The building had an existing central plant serving clinics and other occupants that had to remain operational while the build out took place.
The project consists of the build out of shell space over six floors and additions to the central plant. The build out includes 72,000 SF of research labs and support space, 21,700 SF of MEP support space, and 29,800 SF of office space. The build out contained bulk gas storage, chemical storage rooms, tissue culture rooms, freezer rooms, and open labs. The office space connected to existing air and water distribution systems. The lab spaces were on separate systems which consist of a new boiler plant, air handling units, and high dilution exhaust fans.
The build out required adding capacity to the existing chiller plant with air cooled chillers and dedicated chilled water pumps.
The project delivery method was Design Build. The design team worked with Linbeck, Dynamic Systems Inc. and Square D to facilitate this project delivery with a tight design and construction schedule of less than one year.
Site Owner
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Project Cost
Project Completion
Science and Technology
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Plumbing Engineering